
Image For Emergencies At Broad Lane Vets In CoventryWe provide extensive opening hours, 7 days a week, to meet you and your pet’s needs.

However, in the event of an emergency outside of these hours we have arranged the provision of 2 local dedicated veterinary emergency services, called Vets Now in Coundon and Willows in Solihull.

Both Vets Now and Willows employ fully qualified vets and nurses, who specialise in emergency and critical care work. Their staff are on duty solely at night and at the weekend and remain on site at all times. This means you will be seen by a vet who is well rested and alert, ready to see you and your pet, whatever time it is.

Coventry Vets Now is based at the PDSA Pet Aid Hospital, Barker Butts Lane, Coventry  CV6 1DT. However, Vets Now merely uses the PDSA building, and receives no charity funding itself. They may be contacted when we ae closed on 02476 595354Map and directions to Vets Now

Willows is based at Highlands Rd, Shirley, Solihull B90 4NH and can be contacted when we are closed on 0121 712 7071Click here for map and directions to Willows

As you would expect, staffing and equipping a dedicated emergency clinic is expensive. Therefore you should expect to pay higher fees for a consultation outside of normal hours and Vets Now or Willows will inform you of costs when you ‘phone.

Should you require telephone advice, this is provided free of charge.

Remember we are open late weeknights and both Saturday and Sunday, so in an emergency first phone our usual number 02476 464789.